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In 1980, the Sociedade Amigos de Caucaia do Alto (SACA) was founded, and the current President of AFCF assumed the presidency. A socioeconomic survey was conducted and it was found that 400 families lived below the poverty line. The question was posed: "What can we do to alleviate this situation?" Mrs. Neusa Bromerchenkel, then Director of the Roque Celestino Pires School, proposed the idea of ​​a daycare center to serve single mothers who needed to work to support their families. An evangelical pastor, Mr. Thomas Brassel, came to the organization with the aim of adopting abandoned children from Brazilian shelters that were already prepared.

​​  Founded on March 9, 1985, based on an idea from SACA (Sociedade Amigos de Caucaia do Alto), which included Dr. Paul Gottfried Ledergerber (President of AFCF). Construction of the "Criança Feliz" Daycare Center began in 1986 and in 1987 work began with 27 babies in two semi-detached houses lent by the then Mayor, Mr. Ivo Mario Isaac Pires. The facilities were inaugurated in 1989. The second phase of the project began in 1994, when the first group left preschool to enter the first grade of public education. The "Criança Feliz" Youth Center was inaugurated, with the objective of continuing the work of the daycare and preschool for the children who had left, complementing the education offered by public education, serving children and adolescents aged 7 to 14 during the half-day period outside of public school, offering activities such as tutoring, music, arts, sports, crafts, scouting, computer science, reading and growing vegetables in the garden. Due to lack of financial resources, the "Criança Feliz" Youth Center was partially closed in 2001, maintaining only musical activities with the Guaçatom group. In 2009, the daycare and preschool activities were closed, transferring services to the municipal public network, and the "Criança Feliz" Philanthropic Association was able to return to the Youth Center project, restructuring the activities offered, aiming at the education and socialization of children and adolescents between the ages of 6 and 16 during the hours when they are not in school. Since the introduction of full-time school, where children stay from 7:00 am to 2:00 pm, we have helped parents with activities for their children during the remaining two hours, such as capoeira, string instruments and computers, thus preventing children from being on the street until their parents arrive. During the pandemic, we installed an internet communication system to keep in touch with those children who have adequate equipment at home and with homework bags for those without such equipment. A telecommunication system with audio and video was also provided for individual music lessons to keep these activities going.


Implement the Statute of Children and Adolescents (Law 8,069 of July 13, 1990), reinforcing self-esteem and strengthening identity to be a conscious citizen.

Since education is the key to knowledge and the full development of human beings, we aim to fill gaps with our activities.


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