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Individuals and legal entities can make donations to charitable organizations and benefit from tax incentives. Please observe the legal requirements.

Physical person


Fill in the fields below with the requested data and you will have an approximate value of what represents 6% of your Income Tax  due. Remember that the deduction is only valid for those who use the complete form of the income tax return.

To have a valid receipt for the Tax Authorities, you need to send the donation to the Fund of the Municipal Council for the Rights of Children and Adolescents - FUCONDI: Banco do Brasil, branch 0916, current account 74031-4, CNPJ 13.540.277/0001-59 and send a copy of the payment receipt with your CPF to nos: We request your receipt from the Municipality of Cotia and send it to you. So we still need either your address or your email.

Legal person


Fill in the fields below with the requested data and you will have an approximate value of what represents 1% of your Income Tax  due.

Remember that the deduction is only valid for companies taxed based on actual income.

To have a valid receipt for the Tax Authorities, you need to send the donation to o  Fund of the Municipal Council for the Rights of Children and Adolescents - FUCONDI: Banco do Brasil, branch 0916, current account 74031-4, CNPJ 13.540.277/0001-59 and send a copy of the payment receipt with your CNPJ to us: We request your receipt from the Municipality of Cotia and send it to you. So we still need either your address or your email.



Net income before IRPJ ---100.00 ---------------------------------------

Corporate income tax --- 15.00 --------------------------------

Maximum deduction limit (1%) --- 0.15 ------------------------------------


Talk to your accountant.

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